Workshop with Norman Gräter

Master Of Goal Achievement


Authentic / Emotional / Effective

Why do you achieve smaller goals with ease, while larger goals are often harder to reach? Learn how your brain perceives the difference between success and failure and how you can effortlessly achieve big goals starting now. For entrepreneurs and individuals who want to achieve their goals with intelligence.


"Norman inspires like no other to face one's own fears, become clear about one's goals and visions, and then to bring them to fruition."

Heinz Derflinger / Projekt manager

How do we actually achieve our goals?

Our brain and all our senses often represent achieved goals differently than they do with a vision or a wish. And that’s exactly where the difference between success and failure lies.

Why do we achieve small goals effortlessly, while larger goals often seem challenging? In “Master Of Goal Achievement”, you will learn how your brain perceives the difference between success and failure. Gain practical tools to achieve even large goals effortlessly.

Discover why a clear self-image and focusing on your true goals are crucial for success. Immerse yourself in the world of imagination and use your five senses to make your goals come alive today. The workshop also explores the significance of relaxation for goal achievement and introduces you to 20 effective goal achievement aids.

Discover the inspiring workshop “Master Of Communication” by Norman Gräter – Your expert for leadership development and effective goal achievement.

Discover in “Master Of Goal Achievement” with Norman Gräter the essential tools for your journey to more clarity, focus, and success in your job and life. The goal of the experienced coach and expert in personal transformation was to talk with some celebrities about their personal drive for goal achievement. He has far exceeded this with over 400 conducted conversations. The essence of all these conversations is what you will receive in the workshop.

You have any further questions? Please contact us here.


"The easily understandable language and Norman's so positively open manner reached me from the first moment. Moreover, he spontaneously took a lot of time for a personal conversation, and I felt welcome every second. Thanks for so much heart!"

Maren Busch / Leader

Workshop: So geht Zielerreichung

The fascinating workshop for entrepreneurs and executives who want to increase their goal achievement rate, thereby experiencing even more freedom and success for themselves and others.

Among other amazing things, you can expect in the workshop ‘”Master Of Goal Achievement” with Norman Gräter:


Recognize the two most important elements to achieve any goal


Discover where you have been wasting a lot of potential and time and how to become more effective


Get to know your current self-saboteur and send them into retirement for good


Recognize why with your current self-image today, you are most likely not going to achieve your goal tomorrow and how to change that


Expand your knowledge about the five senses and start using them much more effectively from now on


Learn the four steps with which everything that exists on this planet has been created so far


Learn how to relax effectively to allow creative ideas and impulses


Discover three dozen fantastic goal-achievement aids and how to use them for yourself from now on


And much more to make your goal achievement easier and simpler

“Master Of Goal Achievement” is the third workshop in a series of six workshops. These are designed to provide maximum support for you as a leader and entrepreneur and to further expand your mindset. Each workshop is self-contained and independent of the others. However, when you book all the workshops, you will recognize a golden thread running through them, guiding you on a journey to a more successful and fascinating self.

Invest in your company, your employees, and leaders now. The workshops with Norman Gräter bring happiness and will positively change your life permanently

Are you ready for more enthusiasm for yourself and your employees? Then do the following now:

1. Send us an email at booking(AT)
2. You’ll get access to our online calendar and find the best available date for you
3. In a personal online meeting, we will discuss all the details of how we will work together effectively

You have any further questions? Please contact us here.


"Norman manages to make it absolutely authentic and inspiring, to make it clear to you how your thoughts create your reality. It simply makes you want to leave the victim role and take responsibility for your results into your own hands!"

Diana Dümmler / Leader


In this workshop, you will learn the best tools to achieve your goals from your brain’s perspective. What mindset do you need, and how will you authentically and effortlessly reach your goals? Find out.


The exercises, stories, and examples will inspire you. Why? Because it’s so logical once you know it. You will approach your goals with ease and joy, achieving them with much more momentum and fun


When you know how your brain distinguishes between success and failure, you will achieve the maximum with minimal changes. The key to this lies in your personal effectiveness of approach

You have any further questions? Please contact us here.



"I have worked through your exercises. They have helped me in the sense that I will hopefully now tackle my already defined goals. My biggest obstacle was/is the ACT and the topic of PRIORITIZATION. Your support has helped me with that. Now I have to implement it with patience, then I can continue with 2 private projects with a deadline."

Massimo Marrone / Leader

Your Workshop Coach:
Norman Gräter – The Inspirator

Norman Gräter’s unique ability to create inspiring and emotional learning spaces allows for the expansion of not only professional skills but also profound insights into personal development.

Discover how, through proper visualization, innovative mindset techniques, and practical methods, you can activate your inner motivation and effortlessly achieve your significant goals. Norman Gräter’s unique AnkeR™ Method, developed from over 400 conversations with prominent personalities, forms the foundation for inspirational expertise. This is further supported by more than 24 years of experience as a manager in the Würth Group.

Experience a captivating and emotional workshop that brings about lasting changes and provides deep insights into inner self-leadership and the effective realization of your personal goals. Embark on your journey to more joy in life and success in your career with Norman Gräter, the three-time European champion in public speaking and the Trainer of the Year 2017.

Auszeichnungen NLP Toastmaster und Trainer-Allianz für Norman Gräter
Norman Gräter Workshop So geht Motivation Motivationsredner

You have any further questions? Please contact us here.

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